The global minimization of a large-scale linearly constrained concave quadratic problem is considered. The concave quadratic part of the objective function is given in terms of the nonlinear variablesx ∈R n, while the linear part is in terms ofy ∈R k. For large-scale problems we may havek much larger thann. The original problem is reduced to an equivalent separable problem by solving a multiple-cost-row linear program with 2n cost rows. The solution of one additional linear program gives an incumbent vertex which is a candidate for the global minimum, and also gives a bound on the relative error in the function value of this incumbent. Ana priori bound on this relative error is obtained, which is shown to be ≤ 0.25, in important cases. If the incumbent is not a satisfactory approximation to the global minimum, a guaranteedε-approximate solution is obtained by solving a single liner zero–one mixed integer programming problem. This integer problem is formulated by a simple piecewise-linear underestimation of the separable problem.
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Dedicated to Professor George Dantzig in honor of his 70th Birthday.
This research was supported by the Division of Computer Research, National Science Foundation under Research Grant DCR8405489.
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Rosen, J.B., Pardalos, P.M. Global minimization of large-scale constrained concave quadratic problems by separable programming. Mathematical Programming 34, 163–174 (1986). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01580581
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01580581