We present a matrix scaling problem calledtruncated scaling and describe applications arising in economics, urban planning, and statistics. We associate a dual pair of convex optimization problems to the scaling problem and prove that the existence of a solution for the truncated scaling problem is characterized by the attainment of the infimum in the dual optimization problem. We show that optimization problems used by Bacharach (1970), Bachem and Korte (1979), Eaves et al. (1985), Marshall and Olkin (1968) and Rothblum and Schneider (1989) to study scaling problems can be derived as special cases of the dual problem for truncated scaling. We present computational results for solving truncated scaling problems using dual coordinate descent, thereby showing that truncated scaling provides a framework for modeling and solving large-scale matrix scaling problems.
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Research supported in part by NSF grants ECS 8718971 and ECS 8943458.
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Schneider, M.H. Matrix scaling, entropy minimization, and conjugate duality (II): The dual problem. Mathematical Programming 48, 103–124 (1990). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01582253
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01582253