We describe a primal-dual potential function for linear programming:
whereρ⩾ n, x is the primal variable, ands is the dual-slack variable. As a result, we develop an interior point algorithm seeking reductions in the potential function with\(\rho = n + \sqrt n \). Neither tracing the central path nor using the projective transformation, the algorithm converges to the optimal solution set in\(O(\sqrt n L)\) iterations and uses O(n 3 L) total arithmetic operations. We also suggest a practical approach to implementing the algorithm.
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Ye, Y. An O(n 3 L) potential reduction algorithm for linear programming. Mathematical Programming 50, 239–258 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01594937
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01594937