In this paper we show that finding solutions of a system of multivariate polynomial equalities and inequalities in the max algebra is equivalent to solving an Extended Linear Complementarity Problem. This allows us to find all solutions of such a system of multivariate polynomial equalities and inequalities and provides a geometrical insight in the structure of the solution set. We also demonstrate that this enables us to solve many important problems in the max algebra and the max-min-plus algebra such as matrix decompositions, construction of matrices with a given characteristic polynomial, state space transformations and the (minimal) state space realization problem.
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Research assistant with the N.F.W.O. (Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research).
Senior research associate with the N.F.W.O.
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de Schutter, B., de Moor, B. A method to find all solutions of a system of multivariate polynomial equalities and inequalities in the max algebra. Discrete Event Dyn Syst 6, 115–138 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01797235
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01797235