This paper presents an algorithm for the so-called spectral factorization of two-variable para-Hermitian polynomial matrices which are nonnegative definite on thej ω axis, arising in the synthesis of two-dimensional (2-D)passive multiports, Wiener filtering of 2-D vector signals, and 2-D control systems design. First, this problem is considered in the scalar case, that is, the spectral factorization of polynomials is treated, where the decomposition of a two-variable nonnegative definite real polynomial in a sum of squares of polynomials in one of the two variables having rational coefficients in the other variable plays an important role (cf. Section 4). Second, by using these results, the matrix case can be accomplished, where in a first step the problem is reduced to the factorization of anunimodular para-Hermitian polynomial matrix which is nonnegative definite forp=j ω, and in a second step this simplified problem is solved by using so-called elementary row and column operations which are based on the Euclidian division algorithm. The matrices considered may be regular or singular and no restrictions are made concerning the coefficients of their polynomial entries; they may be either real or complex.
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Kummert, A. Spectral factorization of two-variable para-Hermitian polynomial matrices. Multidim Syst Sign Process 1, 327–339 (1990). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01812402
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01812402