The paper introduces the finite class of set strategies for stochastic scheduling problems. It is shown that the knownstable classes of strategies such as ES and MES strategies are of this type, as arelist-scheduling strategies such as LEPT and SEPT and other, more complicatedpriority-type strategies. Roughly speaking, set strategies are characterized by the fact that the decision as to which jobs should be started at timet depends only on the knowledge of the two sets of jobs finished up to timet and being processed at timet. Contrary to list scheduling strategies, set strategies may involve deliberate idleness of machines, i.e. may not be greedy and can therefore not generally be induced by priority rules. It is demonstrated that set strategies have useful properties. They are e.g.λ n-almost everywhere continuous and therefore show satisfactorystability behaviour w.r.t. weak convergence of the joint distribution of job durations. Furthermore, the optimum w.r.t.all strategies is already attained on this class if job durations are independent and exponentially distributed and the performance measure fulfills a certainshift condition. This shift property is a quite natural concept and generalizes aspects of the notion ofadditivity in semi-Markov decision theory and stochastic dynamic optimization. Its complete analytical characterization is a major object of this paper. Typical additive cost criteria such as makespan and flowtime are of course covered, which yields simultaneously a first step towards generalization of optimality of LEPT and SEPT rules, as known for special cases. In fact, in view of the obtained optimality result, the question of when deliberate idleness of machines can be avoided, gains considerable interest, as it characterizes stochastic environments in whichpriority strategies are optimal. This provides a major link with current research on the analysis of networks of queues in the context of computer systems.
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The work of the first two authors was supported by the Minister für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, while the work of the last author was supported by DAAD.
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Möhring, R.H., Radermacher, F.J. & Weiss, G. Stochastic scheduling problems II-set strategies-. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 29, 65–104 (1985). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01918198
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01918198