We consider bin-packing variations related to the well-studied problem of maximizing the total number of pieces packed into a fixed set of bins. We show that, when the objective is to minimize the total number of pieces packed subject to the constraint that no unpacked piece will fit, no polynomial-time relative approximation algorithm exists (unless, of course,P=NP). That is, we prove that it isNP-hard to guarantee packing no more than a constant multiple of the optimal number of pieces, for any constant. This appears to be the first bin-packing problem for which this property has been demonstrated. Furthermore, this result also holds for the allied packing variant which seeks to minimize the maximum number of pieces packed in any single bin. We find the situation to be markedly better for the problem of maximizing the minimum number of pieces in any bin. If all bins possess the same capacity, we prove that the familiar SPF rule is an absolute approximation algorithm with additive constant 1, and can therefore be regarded as a best possible heuristic. For the more general and difficult case in which bin capacities may differ, it turns out that SPF fails to qualify as even a relative approximation algorithm. However, we devise an implementation of the well-known FFD heuristic, which we show to be a relative approximation algorithm, yielding a worst-case performance ratio of 1/2 with additive constant 0. Moreover, we prove that (unlessP=NP) no polynomial-time algorithm can guarantee a higher ratio without sacrificing the additive constant.
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This author's research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants ECS-8403859 and MIP-8603879.
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Friesen, D.K., Langston, M.A. Bin packing: On optimizing the number of pieces packed. BIT 27, 148–156 (1987). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01934179
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01934179