This paper argues that research performance is essentially a multidimensional concept which cannot be encapsulated into a single universal criterion. Various indicators used in quantitative studies on research performance at micro or meso-levels can be classified into two broad categories: (i) objective or quantitative indicators (e.g. counts of publications, patents, algorithms or other artifacts of research output) and (ii) subjective or qualitative indicators which represent evaluative judgement of peers, usually measured on Likert or semantic differential scales. Because of their weak measurement properties, subjective indicators can also be designated as quasi-quantitative measures. This paper is concerned with the factorial structure and construct validity of quasi-quantitative measures of research performance used in a large-scale empirical study carried out in India. In this study, a reflective measurement model incorporating four latent variables (R & D effectiveness, Recognition, User-oriented effectiveness and Administrative effectiveness) is assumed. The latent variables are operationalized through thirteen indicators measured on 5-point semantic differential scales. Convergent validity, discriminant validity and reliability of the measurement model are tested through LISREL procedure.
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Nagpaul, P.S. Quasi-quantitative measures of research performance: An assessment of construct validity and reliability. Scientometrics 33, 169–185 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02020567
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02020567