This paper describes a method and the corresponding algorithms for simplification of large-scale linear programming models. It consists of the elimination of the balance constraints (i.e. constraints with zero RHS term). The idea is to apply some linear transformations to the original problem in order to nullify the balance constraints. These transformations are able to simultaneously eliminate more balance rows. The core of this contribution is the introduction of the reduction matrix and the associated theorems on the equivalent linear programs (original and reduced). The numerical experiments with this method of simplification proved this approach to be beneficial for a large class of LP problems.
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This research work was done while the first author was at Duisburg University, Mess-, Steuer und Regelungstechnik, Germany, under the greatly appreciated financial assistance given by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation.
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Andrei, N., Barbulescu, M. Balance constraints reduction of large-scale linear programming problems. Ann Oper Res 43, 147–170 (1993). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02025015
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02025015