An extensible representation for object-oriented programs, the Object-oriented Program Dependence Graph (OPDG), is presented. The representation is divided into three layers: a first layer that presents the class inheritance structure, a second layer that combines a traditional control dependence subgraph and a data dependence subgraph with objects, and a third layer that presents the dynamic, runtime aspects of an object-oriented program as an Object Dependence Subgraph. The representation is modular allowing specific tools to only use the portion required for the tool's operation. The complete representation provides information sufficient for most program analysis techniques including data flow analysis, reverse engineering, interactive debuggers and other tools.
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McGregor, J.D., Malloy, B.A. & Siegmund, R.L. A comprehensive program representation of object-oriented software. Ann Software Eng 2, 51–91 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02063806
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02063806