This article describes three aspects of asynchronous design from a Petri-net specification called asignal transition graph (STG). First, we show that the STG defined by Chu [1] is too restrictive for specifying general asynchronous behavior and propose extensions to the STG which allow for more general and compact representation. Second, we show that syntactic constraints on STGs are not sufficient to guarantee hazard-free implementations under the unbounded gate delay model, and present techniques to synthesize two-level implementations which are hazard-free under the multiple signal change condition. To remove all hazards under the multiple signal change condition, the initial specification may need to be modified. Finally, we show that behavior containment test using the event coordination model [2] is a powerful tool for the formal verification of asynchronous circuits. This verification method can provide sanity checks for all synthesis methods that use the unbounded gate delay model, and provides a mechanism for designers to validate some manual gate-level changes to the final design.
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Moon, C.W., Stephan, P.R. & Brayton, R.K. Specification, synthesis, and verification of hazard-free asynchronous circuits. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 7, 85–100 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02108191
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02108191