We introduce the notion of solvable models of artificial neural networks, based on the theory of ordinary differential equations. It is shown that a solvable, three layer, neural network can be realized as a solution of an ordinary differential equation. Several neural networks in standard use are shown to be solvable. This leads to a new, two-step, non-recursive learning paradigm: estimate the differential equation which the target function satisfies “approximately”, and then approximate the target function in the solution space of that differential equation. It is shown experimentally that the proposed algorithm is useful for analyzing the generalization problem in artificial neural networks. Connections with wavelet analysis are also pointed out.
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Watanabe, S. Solvable models of layered neural networks based on their differential structure. Adv Comput Math 5, 205–231 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02124744
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02124744