Lets≥1 be an integer andW be the class of all functions having integrable partial derivatives on [0, 1]s. We are interested in the minimum number of neurons in a neural network with a single hidden layer required in order to provide a mean approximation order of a preassignedε>0 to each function inW. We prove that this number cannot be\(\mathcal{O}( \in ^{ - s} log(1/ \in ))\) if a spline-like localization is required. This cannot be improved even if one allows different neurons to evaluate different activation functions, even depending upon the target function. Nevertheless, for anyδ>0, a network with\(\mathcal{O}( \in ^{ - s - \delta } )\) neurons can be constructed to provide this order of approximation, with localization. Analogous results are also valid for otherL p norms.
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The research of this author was supported by NSF Grant # DMS 92-0698.
The research of this author was supported, in part, by AFOSR Grant #F49620-93-1-0150 and by NSF Grant #DMS 9404513.
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Chui, C.K., Li, X. & Mhaskar, H.N. Limitations of the approximation capabilities of neural networks with one hidden layer. Adv Comput Math 5, 233–243 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02124745
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02124745