This paper presents a novel parallel processing system for image synthesis using ray tracing. An object space is divided into parts (subspaces), each of which is allocated to a processor. The processor detects, simultaneously the intersections of the surfaces of each object and a fixed number of rays over the whole space, and calculates the local intensity on an object in each subspace. The global intensities of pixels on a screen are calculated by the other kind of processors simultaneously. We also present the optimal data structure, based on an adaptive division algorithm, for parallel processing of the object space.
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Kobayashi, H., Nakamura, T. & Shigei, Y. Parallel processing of an object space for image synthesis using ray tracing. The Visual Computer 3, 13–22 (1987). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02153647
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02153647