In modern imperative languages there are two commonly occurring ways to activate concurrently running tasks,splitting (cobegin...coend) andspawning. The programming language Ada makes use of both forms of task activation. We present a formal system for verifying partial correctness specifications of Ada tasks activated by spawning. The system is based upon a view of tasks as histories of events. We show how the mindset of splitting may be applicable when developing a formal system for reasoning about spawning. The resultant proof system is compositional, and a robust extension of partial correctness proof systems for sequential constructs. A transition model is given for spawning, and the proof system is proven complete in the sense of Cook [10] relative to this model, under certain reasonable assumptions. The specific proof rules given apply to a subset of Ada without real-time and distributed termination. Our approach to task verification applies to other imperative languages besides Ada, and the essential parts of our methodology are applicable to other formal systems besides those based on partial correctness reasoning.
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Sigurd Meldal is professor of informatics at the University of Bergen. He is interested in techniques and tools based on formal methods for development of concurrent software. His current foci are the investigation of algebraic approaches to nondeterminism, and the participation in the design of a concurrent specification, prototyping and implementation language. The latter supplements formal proof with support for run time control of consistency between concurrent systems as specified and as implemented. Meldal received his cand. real. (1982) and dr. scient. (1986) degrees in informatics from the University of Oslo.
This research was supported by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities, by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/Information Systems Technology Office under the office of Naval Research contract N00014-90-J1232, by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant AFOSR83-0255 and by a Fulbright Scholarship from the US Educational Foundation in Norway
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Meldal, S. A complete axiomatic semantics of spawning. Distrib Comput 5, 159–174 (1991).
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