DS/CDMA noncoherentM-ary orthogonal signaling is presented in a hexagonal cell with three and six corner-based antennas. Multipath Rayleigh channel with lognormal shadowing and perfect power control are assumed. The asynchronous case (uplink) is studied. Bit error rate analysis is carried out to investigate the benefits of combining theM-ary orthogonal signaling and macrodiversity techniques either with uncorrelated or correlated base stations. Comparative analysis between the one central antenna arrangement and the proposed one is presented. The results show that the combination ofM-ary signaling with multiple corner-based antennas improves system performance especially in terms of accommodating more users and supporting new services. The results also show that shadowing does not degrade system performance significantly.
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Dallas, P.I., Pavlidou, FN. Macrodiversity analysis of anM-ary noncoherent orthogonal DS/CDMA system on shadowed Rayleigh channels. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 3, 163–172 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02365826
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02365826