See Gerhard Lieser, Production of high quality Arabic texts on a CRT filmsetting machine, in: D.E. Ager, F.E. Knowles and J. Smith, Eds.,Advances in Computer-Aided Literary and Linguistic Research (University of Aston, Birmingham, 1979) pp. 201–212.
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He is the author ofPrecious Irony: The Theatre of Jean Giraudoux (Mouton, 1971).
Work on a study of poetry of D.H. Lawrence.
Creator of the Egg real-time digital sound synthesis system (Computers and the Humanities 11, pp. 353–365.)
Research interests in man-machine communication and an avocation in the impact of computers and communications on society and vice versa. He is the author ofMan-Machine Communication, and is a former columnist on technology and society for the Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science.
Secretary of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. His has published on parallel text processing, and his recent work has concentrated on parallel Buddhist texts in a variety of scripts, including Sanskrit and Tibetan. Thanks are due to Suchitra Sergupta for helpful and detailed comments on the ludian scripts.
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Mankin, P.A., Laird, H., Manthey, M. et al. Book reviews. Comput Hum 15, 187–193 (1981).
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