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Book reviews

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  • Compare, e.g., her most recent publication inRevue Archéologique 1980, 125–133.

  • For the theme in question compare also the more recent article by René Ginouvès and Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets inRevue Archéologique 1979, 87–118.

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has a longstanding (if strictly amateur) interest in early Italian literature as well as computational linguistics. He is coauthor, with David G. Hays, of ‘Designation in English’, in: John Hinds, ed.,Anaphora in Discourse. Edmonton: 1978. His major interests include morphology and metalinguistics.

technology. In this situation the attempt

Hans Möller, a graduate of Copenhagen University, has been research librarian at the Royal Library, Copenhagen (1948–55), and since 1977 a librarian at McGill University.

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Fortier, P.A., Bloom, D., Salton, G. et al. Book reviews. Comput Hum 15, 37–50 (1981).

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