The results of a geometric model of cardiac tissue, used to compute the bidomain conductivity tensors during three phases of ischaemia, are described. Ischaemic conditions were simulated by model parameters being changed to match the morphological and electrical changes of three phases of ischaemia reported in literature. The simulated changes included collapse of the interstitial space, cell swelling and the closure of gap junctions. The model contained 64 myocytes described by 2 million tetrahedral elements, to which an external electric field was applied, and then the finite element method was used to compute the associated current density. In the first case, a reduction in the amount of interstitial space led to a reduction in extracellular longitudinal conductivity by about 20%, which is in the range of reported literature values. Moderate cell swelling in the order of 10–20% did not affect extracellular conductivity considerably. To match the reported drop in total tissue conductance reported in experimental studies during the third phase of ischaemia, a ten fold increase in the gap junction resistance was simulated. This ten-fold increase correlates well with the reported changes in gap junction densities in the literature.
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Stinstra, J.G., Shome, S., Hopenfeld, B. et al. Modelling passive cardiac conductivity during ischaemia. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 43, 776–782 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02430957
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02430957