Previous research on risk perception suggests that levels of education and information influence concerns over the effects of new technology. This article reports analysis of the impact of several cognitive factors (including education and knowledge) on the perception of risks attributed to applications of modern biotechnology (based on genetic engineering) to food production and agriculture. Using data from a 1992 US-nationwide telephone survey the statistical research identifies those cognitive factors that significantly influence risk perceptions. Additionally, the study reveals those potential influences that, despite their prominence in political and popular debates on risk communication and science education, do not determine the perception of risks on biotechnology in any significant manner.
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This paper is based on work supported by the Extension Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, North Carolina State University, and Colorado State University under special project number 91-EXCA-3-0155.
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Urban, D., Hoban, T.J. Cognitive determinants of risk perceptions associated with biotechnology. Scientometrics 40, 299–331 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02457441
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02457441