We present an approximation algorithm for solving graph problems in which a low-cost set of edges must be selected that has certain vertex-connectivity properties. In the survivable network design problem, a valuer ij for each pair of verticesi andj is given, and a minimum-cost set of edges such that there arer ij vertex-disjoint paths between verticesi andj must be found. In the case for whichr ij ∈{0, 1, 2} for alli, j, we can find a solution of cost no more than three times the optimal cost in polynomial time. In the case in whichr ij =k for alli, j, we can find a solution of cost no more than 2H(k) times optimal, where\(\mathcal{H}(n) = 1 + \tfrac{1}{2} + \cdot \cdot \cdot + \tfrac{1}{n}\). No approximation algorithms were previously known for these problems. Our algorithms rely on a primal-dual approach which has recently led to approximation algorithms for many edge-connectivity problems.
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Communciated by M. X. Goemans.
This research was supported by NSF Grant CCR-91-03937 and a DIMACS postdoctoral fellowship, and was conducted in part while the author was visiting MIT.
This research was supported by an NSF Graduate Fellowship and an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, and was conducted in part while the author was a graduate student at MIT and in part while a postdoc at Cornell.
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Ravi, R., Williamson, D.P. An approximation algorithm for minimum-cost vertex-connectivity problems. Algorithmica 18, 21–43 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02523686
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02523686