Much research has focused on reducing and/or tolerating remote memory access latencies on distributed-memory parallel computers. Caching remote data is intended to reduce average access latency by handling as many remote memory accesses as possible using local copies of the data in the cache. Data-flow and multithreaded approaches help programs tolerate the latency of remote memory accesses by allowing processors to do other work while remote operations take place. The thread migration technique described here is a multithreaded architecture where threads migrate to remote processors that contain data they need. By exploiting access locality, the threads often use several data items from that processor before migrating to other processors for more data. Because the threads migrate in search of data, the approach is called Nomadic Threads. A prototype runtime system has been implemented on the CM5 and is portable to other distributed memory parallel computers.
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Jenks, S., Gaudiot, JL. Exploiting locality and tolerating remote memory access latency using thread migration. Int J Parallel Prog 25, 281–304 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02699904
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02699904