We introduce the stable model semantics fordisjunctive logic programs and deductive databases, which generalizes the stable model semantics, defined earlier for normal (i.e., non-disjunctive) programs. Depending on whether only total (2-valued) or all partial (3-valued) models are used we obtain thedisjunctive stable semantics or thepartial disjunctive stable semantics, respectively. The proposed semantics are shown to have the following properties:
• For normal programs, the disjunctive (respectively, partial disjunctive) stable semantics coincides with thestable (respectively,partial stable) semantics.
• For normal programs, the partial disjunctive stable semantics also coincides with thewell-founded semantics.
• For locally stratified disjunctive programs both (total and partial) disjunctive stable semantics coincide with theperfect model semantics.
• The partial disjunctive stable semantics can be generalized to the class ofall disjunctive logic programs.
• Both (total and partial) disjunctive stable semantics can be naturally extended to a broader class of disjunctive programs that permit the use ofclassical negation.
• After translation of the programP into a suitable autoepistemic theory\( \hat P \) the disjunctive (respectively, partial disjunctive) stable semantics ofP coincides with the autoepistemic (respectively, 3-valued autoepistemic) semantics of\( \hat P \) .
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Partially supported by the National Science Foundation grant #IRI-89-10729, the Army Research Office grant #27079-ML-SAH and the Swedish National Board for Technical Development grant #90-1676. This paper was completed while the author was visiting the Computer Science Department at the University of Linkoping in Sweden.
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Przymusinski, T.C. Stable semantics for disjunctive programs. New Gener Comput 9, 401–424 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03037171
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03037171