Static Discontinuity Grammar (SDG) is a type of logic grammar. Its distinctive features are that rules can state dependencies between any two or more subtrees in a derivation tree for a grammatical sentence, and that descriptions are expressed in terms of node domination in the tree. In this paper, we look at different ways of processing SDGs. The parsing methods of top-down depth-first, and left-corner interpreters are examined for SDGs, as well as a compiler that generates code for both analysis and synthesis. We then introduce some examples and use them to compare the efficiency of our different processing methods. We also discuss related work, including the SDG formalism vs. other logic grammar formalisms.
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This research is supported by Fred Popowich’s research fellowship from the Advanced Systems Institute of British Columbia and by his Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grant No. OGP0041910, by Veronica Dahl’s NSERC grant 06-4244, and also partially by her Center for Systems Science Grant No. 4038, in view of collaboration with Centre Canadien de Recherche en Informatisation du Travail. The views expressed in this article are strictly those of the authors.
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Dahl, V., Popowich, F. Parsing and generation with Static Discontinuity Grammars. New Gener Comput 8, 245–274 (1990). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03037519
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03037519