Authentication is one of the basic building blocks of computer security. It is achieved through the execution of an authentication protocol between two or more parties. One such protocol, the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, has become the de facto standard for Web security. This paper provides an overview of results and methods used in analyzing authentication protocols. The aim is to provide a bird’s eye view of the assumptions, methods, and results that are available for anyone who is interested in designing new security protocols or applying a new analysis approach. A detailed description of the SSL handshake protocol as well as how changes in environment assumption can lead to unexpected consequences, is provided. A fix to the weakness is also described.
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Wu Wen, Ph.D.: He is an Associate Professor at the Information Media Center of the Science University of Tokyo. He obtained his bachelors degree in Engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics in 1985, and Ph.D in computer science from Oxford University in 1992. He has worked at NTT Communication Science Labs in Japan and NASA Software Verification Facility in US before his current appointment. His current research interests are software verification and computer security. He co-chairs the 2000 and 2001 IEEE Enterprise Security Workshop and is a member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society.
Fumio Mizoguchi, Ph.D.: He is an Professor in the Department of Industrial Administration and a Director of Information Media Center at Science University of Tokyo. He obtained his M.S. degree from Science Univ. of Tokyo in 1968, and his Ph.D. from the Tokyo University in 1978. He is also Senior Research Associate, Stanford University, Center for the Study on Language and Information (CSLI) and Editorial member of Artificial Intelligence Journal, New Generation Computing Journal and Journal of Logic Programming. He has published more than 150 papers and 30 oboks for computer Science and Applied Artificial Inteligence. Most recent publication on Java is one of the best selling books.
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Wen, W., Mizoguchi, F. Web security: Authentication protocols and their analysis. New Gener Comput 19, 283–299 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03037600
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03037600