Web Service technologies seem to open interesting unexplored scenarios in the e-learning domain. Particularly appealing is the possibility of defining and standardizing services that, when implemented and composed, will result in complex e-learning applications. However, an agreed standard specification per se is not sufficient, rather methodologies for validating conformance against it have to be released.
This paper discusses current approaches to standardise Web Service specification and implementation and outlines an approach to conformance verification of services through testing, aiming at reducing the risk of interoperability issues at execution time.
Web-Service-Technologien eröffnen neue, interessante Szenarien im E-Learning-Bereich. Im Besonderen ist die Möglichkeit der Definition und Standardisierung von Services attraktiv, welche implementiert und komponiert eine komplexe, integrierte E-Learning-Applikation ergeben.
Dieser Artikel präsentiert einen Ansatz für die Konformitätsverifikation von Services, welche das Risiko von Interoperabilitätsproblemen während der Laufzeit reduziert.
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This work has been funded by the European Project “Technology Enhanced Learning Conformance — European Requirements and Testing (TELCERT — FP6 STREP 507128)”.
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Polini, A. Interoperability testing of Web Services for e-learning. Elektrotech. Inftech. 122, 495–497 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03054387
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03054387