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P. Hébrard (Picture): Engineer diploma of ENSICA in 1967, Doctor engineer in 1969, Sciences Doctor in 1973, Researcher and department head at ONERA from 1969 till 1992, Present position: Director of training and research at ENSICA.
A. Strzelecki: ONERA Researcher since 1984, PhD in 1989, Specialist in aerodynamics, flow metering and two phase flows, Spend 1 year in Stanford University with Prof Mungal on PLIF/PIV techniques, Associate Professor in the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers in Paris.
P. Gajan: Doctor of the University of Rouen 1983, Sciences Doctor in 1988, Research Engineer at ONERA since 1987, Specialist in flow metering and two phase flows.
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Hébrard, P., Strzelecki, A. & Gajan, P. Use of PLIF and PIV techniques to analyze the flow mixing in dilution zone of an aeronautic combustor. J Vis 10, 145–148 (2007).
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