Application of metaheuristics within operations management — Potential and limitations of software reuse Business reality comprises a large variety of well structured problems (e.g. in production and logistics management), for which effective and efficient solution procedures are available from research. This includes metaheuristics such as iterative local search, tabu search and evolutionary algorithms. However, the implementation of these quantitative solution procedures as part of decision support systems usually requires problem-specific adaptations. To simplify this task we developed an application framework in C++, which represents various metaheuristics as reusable software components. These components can be used in arbitrary application domains. The framework clearly simplifies the effective practical application of metaheuristics. Nevertheless, a certain effort may be unavoidable if one aims at high-quality solutions in novel applications.
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Fink, A., Voß, S. Anwendung von Metaheuristiken zur Lösung betrieblicher Planungsprobleme. Wirtschaftsinf 45, 395–407 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03250905
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03250905