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Konstruktion von Referenzmodellierungssprachen Ein Ordnungsrahmen zur Spezifikation von Adaptionsmechanismen für Informationsmodelle

Construction of Reference Modeling Languages 3 — A Framework for the Specification of Adaptation Mechanisms for Conceptual Information Models

  • WI — Aufsatz
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Construction of Reference Modeling Languages — A Framework for the Specification of Adaptation Mechanisms for Conceptual Information Models Reference modeling languages differ from each other as they use different model types (such as process or data models) and as they provide different mechanisms that allow an adaptation of the reference model to specific contexts. The developer of the reference modeling language has to decide which adaptation technique he wants to use (e. g. configuration, aggregation, instantiation, specialization or analogy construction) and which of these techniques he wants to integrate into the language specification. In this paper, these adaptation techniques are compared, and reference solutions for the specification of extended reference modeling languages are proposed. The introduced solutions are structured by a methodical framework that assigns modeling examples and meta-models as well as meta-meta-models to the different adaptation techniques. Based on this framework, possible combinations of configurative adaptation mechanisms with aggregative, instantiation based, specialization based and analogy construction based mechanisms are discussed.

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Becker, J., Delfmann, P. & Knackstedt, R. Konstruktion von Referenzmodellierungssprachen Ein Ordnungsrahmen zur Spezifikation von Adaptionsmechanismen für Informationsmodelle. Wirtschaftsinf 46, 251–264 (2004).

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