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Referenzmodellbasierte Einführung von Führungsinformationssystemen Grundlagen, Anforderungen, Methode

Development of executive information systems based on reference models basics, requirements, method

  • WI - Schwerpunktaufsatz
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Due to the fact that still many Executive Information System (EIS) Projects fail, it seems to be worthwhile to improve the likelihood that these efforts finish successfully. Reference models can foster the development of EIS because they provide reference solutions for a specific Domain. This paper presents a method for the Development of EIS based on reference models. The method includes a life cycle model which supports the adaptation of reference models and an extension of multidimensional data models allowing the management of variants and adaptation points. Furthermore, it provides construction patterns for a specific domain. The development of an EIS at Universities is used as a motivating example.

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Goeken, M. Referenzmodellbasierte Einführung von Führungsinformationssystemen Grundlagen, Anforderungen, Methode. Wirtschaftsinf 46, 353–365 (2004).

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