Modulo scheduling is an efficient technique for exploiting instruction level parallelism in a variety of loops, resulting in high performance code but increased register requirements. We present an approach that schedules the loop operations for minimum register requirements, given a modulo reservation table. Our method determines optimal register requirements for machines with finite resources and for general dependence graphs. Measurements on a benchmark suite of 1327 loops from the Perfect Club, SPEC-89, and the Livermore Fortran Kernels show that the register requirements decrease by 24.8% on average when applying the optimal stage scheduler to the MRT-schedules of a register-insensitive modulo scheduler.
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Eichenberger, A.E., Davidson, E.S. & Abraham, S.G. Minimizing Register Requirements of a Modulo Schedule via Optimum Stage Scheduling. Int J Parallel Prog 24, 103–132 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03356744
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03356744