This paper describes a design methodology for an object oriented database, based on a semantic network. This approach is based on the assumption that semantic data models are more powerful and more easy to use than current proposed object oriented data models. They are especially more powerful in representing integrity constraints and various relationships. Object oriented data models are generally based only on class hierarchies and inheritance, plus their ability to represent the behaviour of objects. But this latter capability is generally provided through an algorithmic language which cannot be considered as a conceptual language. In this paper, we combine the two categories of data models and give a procedure on how to translate the conceptual model to the logical model.
This work was partly supported by GIP/ALTAIR, PRC/BD3 and INFOSYS
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Bouzeghoub, M., Métais, E., Hazi, F., Leborgne, L. (1990). A design tool for object oriented databases. In: Steinholtz, B., Sølvberg, A., Bergman, L. (eds) Advanced Information Systems Engineering. CAiSE 1990. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 436. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0000609
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0000609
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-540-52625-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-540-47078-6
eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive