MIMO radar is the next generation radar which transmits arbitrary waveforms at each one of its apertures. It has been shown that the design of waveforms for MIMO radars in order to synthesize a desired spatial beampattern is mapped into a waveform correlation matrix R design in the narrowband case. As of now, given a desired beampattern or estimated locations information of targets, calculating R has been modeled as an optimization problem like semi-definite programming. Also, in some special cases like rectangular beampattern, closed-form solutions for R has been proposed. In this paper, we introduce a fast algorithm which is capable of designing R in order to achieve more arbitrary beampatterns. Our proposed algorithm is based on eigenvalue decomposition of correlation matrix which employs neither an optimization process nor an iteration one. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm leads to uniform elemental power, low sidelobe level and targets decorrelation which is a great boon, looking from both the hardware and the software perspective. Here, we also introduce a novel algorithm which can work in tandem with the eigenvalue decomposition algorithm and other existing correlation matrix design algorithms to enhance or adapt the designed beampattern.
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Shadi, K., Behnia, F. MIMO Radar Beamforming Using Orthogonal Decomposition of Correlation Matrix. Circuits Syst Signal Process 32, 1791–1809 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-012-9540-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-012-9540-9