The sequential sample myriad has been proposed recently to estimate an unknown location parameter in real time by updating the current estimate when a new input sample is available. However, the algorithm is only capable of estimating an unknown constant (i.e., a time-invariant location parameter). In this paper, we propose a sequential myriad smoothing approach for tracking a time-varying location parameter corrupted by impulsive symmetric \(\alpha \)-stable noise. By incorporating exponential weighting factor to the sequential algorithm, the new algorithm weighs the recent samples more heavily to provide effective tracking capability. Simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms the classical exponential smoothing and is as good as the running myriad smoother.
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1.1 Derivation of Exponential Myriad Smoothing
The myriad smoother \({\hat{\theta }}\left[ n \right] \) based on n observations is the solution of the following equation
Substituting \(\eta _i =\lambda ^{n-i}\), (11) can be written as
The first-order Taylor series of \(\psi _\theta \left[ {n+1} \right] \) about the point \(\theta ={\hat{\theta }}\left[ n \right] \) is given by
Replacing \(\theta ={\hat{\theta }}\left[ {n+1} \right] \) in (14) and since \(\psi _{{\hat{\theta }}\left[ {n+1} \right] } \left[ {n+1} \right] \approx 0\), (14) can be rewritten as follows:
By using the definition of \(\psi _\theta \left[ n \right] \)in (13), we have
Substituting \(\theta \) with \({\hat{\theta }}\left[ n \right] \) and since \(\psi _{{\hat{\theta }}\left[ n \right] } \left[ n \right] \approx 0\), (17) can be rewritten as
Now, the problem is to find the updates that define \(\psi ^{{\prime }}_{{\hat{\theta }}\left[ n \right] } \left[ {n+1} \right] \) in terms of \(\psi ^{{\prime }}_{{\hat{\theta }}\left[ n-1 \right] } \left[ {n} \right] \). From (13) and (15), we have
Substituting \(\theta ={\hat{\theta }}\left[ n \right] \) in (19) yields
1.2 Convergence of Exponential Myriad Smoothing to Classical Exponential Smoothing
From (7), let \(\hbox {k}\rightarrow \infty \), and we have
Substituting (22) into (8), the following expression for \({\hat{J}} \left[ {n+1} \right] \) can be simplified as
Similarly, for the next iteration, \({\hat{J}} \left[ {n+2} \right] \) will be updated as
Hence, in general, for \(i\ge 1,\)
Consider \(i\rightarrow \infty \) and since \(\lambda <1\), then \(n\lambda ^{i}\rightarrow 0\) and \(\mathop \sum \nolimits _{m=0}^{i-1} \lambda ^{m}\rightarrow \frac{1}{1-\lambda }\)
1.3 Asymptotic Variance of the Exponential Myriad Smoothing
From (13), we have
where \(\psi _\theta \left( x \right) =\frac{\eta x}{k^{2}+x^{2}}\).
The asymptotic variance of exponential myriad smoother at a distribution F can be defined as
and \(\psi _\theta ^{\prime } \left( x \right) =\hbox {d}\psi _\theta \left( x \right) /\hbox {d}x\) [12].
Substituting \(\psi _\theta \left( x \right) =\frac{\eta x}{k^{2}+x^{2}}\) in (29) yields
where \(f_\alpha \left( x \right) \) is the distribution function. Eq. (31) shows that the exponential myriad smoother has the same asymptotic variance as the sample myriad given in [12].
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Goh, B.M.K., Lim, H.S. & Tan, A.W.C. Exponential Myriad Smoothing Algorithm for Robust Signal Processing in \(\alpha \)-Stable Noise Environments. Circuits Syst Signal Process 36, 4468–4481 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-017-0523-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-017-0523-8