Correntropy as an efficient information theoretic (ITL) criterion has been extensively applied in many non-Gaussian applications. In order to maximize correntropy, several optimization algorithms have been proposed. Fixed-point maximum correntropy (FP-MCC) and correntropy-based Levenberg–Marquardt (CLM) are the fastest of the proposed methods. As the convergence rate of these operational methods has not been studied before, in this paper we prove the ability of their quadratic convergence from a theoretic point of view and establish the influence of bandwidth on their convergence order. Then, theoretic results are validated through numerical experiments.
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Heravi, A.R., Hodtani, G.A. Comparison of the Convergence Rates of the New Correntropy-Based Levenberg–Marquardt (CLM) Method and the Fixed-Point Maximum Correntropy (FP-MCC) Algorithm. Circuits Syst Signal Process 37, 2884–2910 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-017-0694-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-017-0694-3