A framework using semidefinite programming is proposed to enable the design of sigma delta modulator loop filters at the transfer function level. Both continuous-time and discrete-time, low-pass and band-pass designs are supported. For performance, we use the recently popularized Generalized Kalman–Yakubovič–Popov (GKYP) lemma to place constraints on the \(\mathcal {H}_\infty \) norm of the noise transfer function (NTF) in the frequency band of interest. We expand the approach to incorporate common stability criteria in the form of \(\mathcal {H}_2\) and \(\ell _1\) norm NTF constraints. Furthering the discussion of stability, we introduce techniques from control systems to improve the robustness of the feedback system over a range of quantizer gains. The performance-stability trade-off is examined using this framework and motivated by simulation results.

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This work was supported by ESS Technology, Inc. through the Mitacs Accelerate program (Grant No. T10238).
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Derivation of Matrix Inequalities with One Non-Convex Term
Derivation of Matrix Inequalities with One Non-Convex Term
1.1 Derivation of GKYP Inequality with Arbitrary \(\mathcal {D}\)
Theorem A.1
Equation (6) from Sect. 3.1 is equivalent to the following:
where (28) contains just one nonlinear term in variable a, and:
Starting from (6), we follow the procedure mentioned in Sect. 3.4.2 to eliminate non-convex products in the first term of the QMI [16, Th. 1]:
and introduce the notation \(\varXi _{ij}\) for this linear part:
Equation (31) may undergo a congruent transformation by \(\gamma _\infty ^{-\frac{1}{2}}I\) introducing a commutable factor of \(\gamma _\infty ^{-1}\) to every element. For the first summation term, we absorb the factor with redefinition (36) yielding:
Multiplying the inner factors in the second term of (32) leads to:
which can be expanded into:
The 3 outer factors multiplied with \(\gamma _\infty ^{-1}\) in the middle term of (33) are then combined together and the last summation term is also multiplied through, resulting in the following:
The last summation term of (34) is then added with the linear part \(\varXi \). Because \(\gamma _\infty> 0 \leftrightarrow \gamma _\infty ^{-1} > 0\), a Schur complement taken around \(\gamma _\infty \) allows (34) to be written as the single matrix inequality (28). \(\square \)
1.2 Derivation of \(\mathcal {H}_2\) and \(\ell _1\) Inequalities
Theorem A.2
Equations (10) from Sect. 3.2 and (17) from Sect. 3.3 are equivalent to the following:
where (35) contains just one nonlinear term in variable a, and:
Starting from either (10) or (17), we follow the procedure mentioned in Sect. 3.4.3 to eliminate non-convex products in the first term of the QMI independent of \(f\left( \varPhi , P_\gamma , \alpha \right) \). The second summation term is the same in both QMIs and simplifies as shown in (24). Combining these results in the matrix inequality (35). \(\square \)
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Hannigan, B.C., Petersen, C.L., Mallinson, A.M. et al. An Optimization Framework for the Design of Noise Shaping Loop Filters with Improved Stability Properties. Circuits Syst Signal Process 39, 6276–6298 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-020-01460-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-020-01460-4