In order to generate volumetric underwater acoustic images, planar arrays are often used to collect the signals coming from a 3-D scene in underwater environment. These acquired signals are commonly processed using the 2-D conventional beamforming method. The 2-D conventional beamforming is robust and the most commonly used method. However, the 2-D conventional beamforming suffers from fat beams and high-level sidelobes. High-resolution beamforming, based on the inverse of the signal covariance matrix, such as minimum-variance distortionless response, produces narrow beamwidth and low sidelobe levels but is sensitive to signal mismatch and requires many snapshots of data. In order to overcome the above-mentioned limitations, this paper applies a 2-D deconvolution algorithm to the 2-D conventional beamforming result of planar array in order to improve the beamwidth and suppress the high-level sidelobes. The 2-D deconvolved beam power produces narrow beams, and low sidelobe levels without compromising the robustness of 2-D conventional beamforming. The 2-D deconvolution algorithm provides higher output signal-to-noise ratio than the 2-D conventional beamforming for isotropic noise. The vector extrapolation method is improved to make it applicable on two-dimensional data. The detailed implementations of the original 2-D deconvolved beamforming and the efficient 2-D deconvolved beamforming are presented. Simulations and experiments are conducted to validate the performance of the proposed method.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41976176, U1709203,52001097), the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC1402303, 2018YFF01013401), and the Financial Assistance from Postdoctoral Scientific Research Developmental Fund of Heilongjiang (LBH-Q18042).
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Zhou, T., Huang, J., Du, W. et al. 2-D Deconvolved Conventional Beamforming for a Planar Array. Circuits Syst Signal Process 40, 5572–5593 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-021-01733-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-021-01733-6