Speech enhancement in 3D reverberant environments is a challenging and significant problem for many downstream applications, such as speech recognition, speaker identification, and audio analysis. Existing deep neural network models have shown efficacy for 3D speech enhancement tasks, but they often introduce distortions or unnatural artifacts in the enhanced speech. In this work, we propose a novel two-stage refiner system that integrates a neural beamforming network and a diffusion model for robust 3D speech enhancement. The neural beamforming network performs spatial filtering to suppress the noise and reverberation; while, the diffusion model leverages its generative capability to restore the missing or distorted speech components from the beamformed output. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that applies the diffusion model as a backend refiner to 3D speech enhancement. We investigate the effect of training the diffusion model with either enhanced speech or clean speech, and find that clean speech can better capture the prior knowledge of speech components and improve the speech recovery. We evaluate our proposed system on different datasets and beamformer architectures, and show that it achieves consistent improvements in metrics like WER and NISQA, indicating that the diffusion model has strong generalization ability and can serve as a backend refinement module for 3D speech enhancement, regardless of the front-end beamforming network. Our work demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating discriminative and generative models for robust 3D speech enhancement, and also opens up a new direction for applying generative diffusion models to 3D speech processing tasks, which can be used as a backend to various beamforming enhancement methods.

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Data Availability
All L3DAS challenge datasets used in this study are publicly available in https://www.l3das.com/editions.html. Code is available at https://github.com/flchenwhu/3D-SE-Diffusion.
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This work was supported partly by Jiangxi Province Degree and Postgraduate Education Teaching Reform Project (No. JXYJG-2023-134), Nanchang Hangkong University PhD Foundation (No. EA201904283) and Nanchang Hangkong University Graduate Foundation (No. YC2022-044).
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Chen, F., Lin, W., Sun, C. et al. A Two-Stage Beamforming and Diffusion-Based Refiner System for 3D Speech Enhancement. Circuits Syst Signal Process 43, 4369–4389 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-024-02652-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-024-02652-y