Epilepsy is a persistent health condition marked by unusual and highly synchronized electrical activity in the brain cells, resulting in recurring seizures. This paper proposes a novel real-time method to improve the detection of seizures using the spectral features of non-stationary electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. It is observed that the discrete wavelet transform (DWT)-based features do not consider the interrelationship among EEG signal components. This interrelationship has been well captured by the novel representation of EEG in the form of graph signals. Here, the spectral analysis of the graph signals is investigated by the graph-based Fourier transform (GFT). Then, GFT-based features have been selected and fed into different classifiers for analysis. The seizure detection rate in two publicly available EEG-based datasets, the University of Bonn (UB) and the Neurology Sleep Clinic New Delhi (NSC-ND), have been achieved with accuracy of 98.68% and 96.84%, respectively. The accuracy achieved is significantly better than the existing state-of-the-art techniques. This approach demonstrates the impact of utilizing the interrelationship among the EEG components, followed by enhanced feature selection based on GFT for the improved detection of seizures.

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Sharma, R., Meena, H.K. Enhanced Epileptic Seizure Detection Through Graph Spectral Analysis of EEG Signals. Circuits Syst Signal Process 43, 5288–5308 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-024-02715-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-024-02715-0