Active perception/vision exploits the ability of robots to interact with their environment, for example move in space, towards increasing the quantity or quality of information obtained through their sensors and, thus, improving their performance in various perception tasks. Active face recognition is largely understudied in recent literature. Attempting to tackle this situation, in this paper, we propose an active approach that utilizes facial views produced by photorealistic facial image rendering. Essentially, the robot that performs the recognition selects the best among a number of candidate movements around the person of interest by simulating their results through view synthesis. This is accomplished by feeding the robot’s face recognizer with a real-world facial image acquired in the current position, generating synthesized views that differ by \(\pm \theta ^\circ \) from the current view and deciding, based on the confidence of the recognizer, whether to stay in place or move to the position that corresponds to one of the two synthesized views, in order to acquire a new real image with its sensor. Experimental results in three datasets verify the superior performance of the proposed method compared to the respective “static” approach, approaches based on the same face recognizer that involve synthetic face frontalization and synthesized views, random direction robot movement, robot movement towards a frontal location based on view angle estimation, as well as a state of the art active method. Results from a proof of concept simulation in a robotic simulator are also provided.

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Kakaletsis, E., Nikolaidis, N. Using synthesized facial views for active face recognition. Machine Vision and Applications 34, 62 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-023-01412-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-023-01412-3