The challenge of converting various object detection methods from image to video remains unsolved. When applied to video, image methods frequently fail to generalize effectively due to issues, such as blurriness, different and unclear positions, low quality, and other relevant issues. Additionally, the lack of a good long-term memory in video object detection presents an additional challenge. In the majority of instances, the outputs of successive frames are known to be quite similar; therefore, this fact is relied upon. Furthermore, the information contained in a series of successive or non-successive frames is greater than that contained in a single frame. In this study, we present a novel recurrent cell for feature propagation and identify the optimal location of layers to increase the memory interval. As a result, we achieved higher accuracy compared to other proposed methods in other studies. Hardware limitations can exacerbate this challenge. The paper aims to implement and increase the efficiency of the methods on embedded devices. We achieved 68.7% mAP accuracy on the ImageNet VID dataset for embedded devices in real-time and at a speed of 52 fps.

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The comparison of small object detection on the proposed method and EfficientDet [26].
Method | Frame 1 | Frame 2 | Frame 3 | Frame 4 |
EfficientDet [26] Localization | ||||
EfficientDet [26] Classification | Bird 96% Bird 77% | Bird 97% Bird 58% | Bird 94% Fail | Squirrel 86% Bird 93% |
Proposed Method Localization | ||||
Proposed Method Classification | Bird 100% Bird 98% | Bird 100% Bird 96% | Bird 100% Bird 94% | Bird 99% Bird 99% |
EfficientDet [26] Localization | ||||
EfficientDet [26] Classification | Dog 93% | Dog 66% | Cat 62% | Bird 51% |
Proposed Method Localization | ||||
Proposed Method Classification | Dog 99% | Dog 98% | Dog 98% | Dog 98% |
EfficientDet [26] Localization | ||||
EfficientDet [26] Classification | Motorcycle 43% Car 92% | Motorcycle 48% Car 91% | Car 57% Car 97% | Motorcycle 66% Car 98% |
Proposed Method Localization | ||||
Proposed Method Classification | Motorcycle 69% Car 96% | Car 80% Car 97% | Car 89% Car 97% | Car 92% Car 99% |
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Hajizadeh, M., Sabokrou, M. & Rahmani, A. STARNet: spatio-temporal aware recurrent network for efficient video object detection on embedded devices. Machine Vision and Applications 35, 23 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-023-01504-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-023-01504-0