Conservative subtheories of \({{R}^{1}_{2}}\) and \({{S}^{1}_{2}}\) are presented. For \({{S}^{1}_{2}}\), a slight tightening of Jeřábek’s result (Math Logic Q 52(6):613–624, 2006) that \({T^{0}_{2} \preceq_{\forall \Sigma^{b}_{1}}S^{1}_{2}}\) is presented: It is shown that \({T^{0}_{2}}\) can be axiomatised as BASIC together with induction on sharply bounded formulas of one alternation. Within this \({\forall\Sigma^{b}_{1}}\)-theory, we define a \({\forall\Sigma^{b}_{0}}\)-theory, \({T^{-1}_{2}}\), for the \({\forall\Sigma^{b}_{0}}\)-consequences of \({S^{1}_{2}}\). We show \({T^{-1}_{2}}\) is weak by showing it cannot \({\Sigma^{b}_{0}}\)-define division by 3. We then consider what would be the analogous \({\forall\hat\Sigma^{b}_{1}}\)-conservative subtheory of \({R^{1}_{2}}\) based on Pollett (Ann Pure Appl Logic 100:189–245, 1999. It is shown that this theory, \({{T}^{0,\left\{2^{(||\dot{id}||)}\right\}}_{2}}\), also cannot \({\Sigma^{b}_{0}}\)-define division by 3. On the other hand, we show that \({{S}^{0}_{2}+open_{\{||id||\}}}\)-COMP is a \({\forall\hat\Sigma^{b}_{1}}\)-conservative subtheory of \({R^{1}_{2}}\). Finally, we give a refinement of Johannsen and Pollett (Logic Colloquium’ 98, 262–279, 2000) and show that \({\hat{C}^{0}_{2}}\) is \({\forall\hat\Sigma^{b}_{1}}\)-conservative over a theory based on open cl-comprehension.
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Pollett, C. Conservative fragments of \({{S}^{1}_{2}}\) and \({{R}^{1}_{2}}\) . Arch. Math. Logic 50, 367–393 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00153-010-0220-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00153-010-0220-9