In family studies with multiple continuous phenotypes, heritability can be conveniently evaluated through the so-called principal-component of heredity (PCH, for short; Ott and Rabinowitz in Hum Hered 49:106–111, 1999). Estimation of the PCH, however, is notoriously difficult when entertaining a large collection of phenotypes which naturally arises in dealing with modern genomic data such as those from expression QTL studies. In this paper, we propose a regularized PCH method to specifically address such challenges. We show through both theoretical studies and data examples that the proposed method can accurately assess the heritability of a large collection of phenotypes.

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The research of Ming Yuan was supported in part by NSF Career Award DMS-0846234 and FRG Award DMS-1265202.
1.1 Proof of theorem
Assume the average family size \(N/n \rightarrow m_0\) and \(\min _{\Vert \beta \Vert =1}{\beta ^\mathsf{T}\Sigma _T\beta }\ge \delta >0\). Rewrite
where \(\Delta _A=\widehat{\Sigma }_A-\Sigma _A\) and \(\Delta _T=\widehat{\Sigma }_T-\Sigma _T\). Under some mild conditions, we have (e.g., Bickel and Levina 2004) \(\Vert \Delta _A\Vert _{\infty }=O_p(\sqrt{(\log d)/n})\) and \(\Vert \Delta _T\Vert _{\infty }=O_p(\sqrt{(\log d)/n})\), where \(\Vert \cdot \Vert _{\infty }\) is the element-wise super-norm. From \(\beta ^\mathsf{T}\Delta _A\beta \le \Vert \beta \Vert _{\ell _1} \Vert \Delta _A\beta \Vert _{\infty }\le \Vert \Delta _A\Vert _{\infty }\Vert \beta \Vert _{\ell _1}^2\), we have \(\beta ^\mathsf{T}\Delta _A\beta \le O_p(\sqrt{(\log d)/(n-1)}) \Vert \beta \Vert _{\ell _1}^2 \). Similarly, \(\beta ^\mathsf{T}\Delta _T\beta \le O_p(\sqrt{(\log d)/(N-n)}) \Vert \beta \Vert _{\ell _1}^2\).
Thus, if \(\lambda \gg O_p(\sqrt{(\log d)/n})\) and \(\min _{\Vert \beta \Vert =1}{\beta ^\mathsf{T}\Sigma _T\beta }\ge \delta >0\), we have \(\max _{\beta }|h_{n, \lambda }(\beta )-h_{0, \lambda }(\beta )|=o_p(1)\), where \(h_{0, \lambda }(\beta )=\beta ^\mathsf{T}{\Sigma }_A\beta /(\beta ^\mathsf{T}{\Sigma }_T\beta +\lambda \Vert \beta \Vert _{\ell _1}^2)\). Further, because \(\lambda \Vert \beta \Vert _{\ell _1}^2\le \lambda s_0\Vert \beta \Vert ^2\), if \(\lambda \ll 1/s_0\) and \(\min _{\Vert \beta \Vert =1}{\beta ^\mathsf{T}\Sigma _T\beta }\ge \delta >0\), we have \(\max _{\beta }|h_{0, \lambda }(\beta )-h(\beta )|=o(1)\). Together, we have
Therefore, noting that \(0\le h(\beta _0)-h(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))\le h(\beta _0)-h_{n, \lambda }(\beta _0)+ h_{n, \lambda }(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))-h(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))\), we have \(h(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))\rightarrow _p h_{\max }\), and noting that \(h_{n, \lambda }(\beta _0)-h(\beta _0)\le h_{n, \lambda }(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))-h(\beta _0)\le h_{n, \lambda }(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))-h(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))\), we have \(h_{n,\lambda }(\widehat{\beta }(\lambda ))\rightarrow _p h_{\max }\).
1.2 The coordinate descent algorithm
We discuss the path solution to the optimization problem (4). Write two input matrices \(\widehat{\Sigma }_A\) and \(\widehat{\Sigma }_T\) as \((a_{ij})\) and \((t_{ij})\) respectively. Note that when \(\lambda \) is larger than some value say \(\lambda _{\max }, \widetilde{\beta }(\lambda )=\mathbf{0}_d\). Here we derive the formula for \(\lambda _{\max }\). If \(\beta _{(-1)}=\mathbf{0}_{d-1}\), then \(g(x)=t_{11}x^2+\lambda x^2+\gamma (a_{11}x^2-1)^2,\) which achieves minimum at \(x=\sqrt{[-\frac{t_{11}+\lambda -2a_{11}\gamma }{2\gamma a_{11}^2}]_{+}},\) where \([a]_{+}\) equals \(a\) if \(a\ge 0\) and zero otherwise. Therefore,
On a fine grid of \(L\) values of \(\lambda \), say \(\exp \{\log (\lambda _{\max })(1:L)/L\}\), we computer the solution path starting with \(\lambda =\lambda _{\max }\) backwardly and \(\widetilde{\beta }(\lambda _{\max })=\mathbf{0}_d\). Then we calculate the solution associated with the consecutive \(\lambda \) on the grid, using the solution we obtain most recently as the initial for minimization.
Continuing the discussion in Sect. 2.2, the problem narrows down to find the minimum point of function (5). Now we examine the local minimum point(s) of \(g(x)\) when \(\beta _{(-1)}\ne \mathbf{0}_{d-1}\). Letting its derivative be zero, we have \(c_3x^3+c_2x^2+c_1x+c_0=0\), where \(c_3=2\gamma a_{11}, c_2=6\gamma a_{11}a_{12}^{*}, c_1=t_{11}+\lambda +4\gamma {a_{12}^{*}}^2+2\gamma a_{11}(a_{22}^{*}-1)\), and \(c_0=t_{12}^{*}+\lambda \hbox {sign}(x)r^{*}+2\gamma (a_{22}^{*}-1)a_{12}^{*}\). Here \(\hbox {sign}(x)\) is the sign of \(x\). Now the problem becomes finding solutions to this cubic equation. Let \(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)}\) be the updated \(\beta _{(1)}\) after one coordinate descent step.
The unique non-differentiable point of \(g(x), x=0\), needs special concerns. The set of all subgradients of \(g(x)\) at \(x=0\) is \(\{t_{12}^{*}+\lambda \xi r^{*}+2\gamma (a_{22}^{*}-1)a_{12}^{*}: |\xi |\le 1\}\) (for the definition of subgrandient, see e.g., Bertsekas 1995). At any \(x\ne 0, g(x)\) is differentiable. Letting \(P=c_1/c_3-c_2^2/(3c_3^2)\) and \(Q=2c_2^3/(27c_3^3)-c_1c_2/(3c_3)+c_0/c_3\), the equation becomes \(y^3+Py+Q=0\) with transformation \(y=x+c_2/(3c_3)\).
The problem of finding the solutions to \(y^3+Py+Q=0\) has been solved by many mathematicians. Here we follow Kavinoky and Thoo (2008). Define \(\Delta =Q^2/4+P^3/27, S=\root 3 \of {-Q/2+\sqrt{D}}\), and \(T=\root 3 \of {-Q/2-\sqrt{D}}\). Always, there are three roots (real or complex): \(y_1=S+T, y_2=-(S+T)/2+\sqrt{-3/4}(S-T), y_3=-(S+T)/2-\sqrt{-3/4}(S-T)\). If \(\Delta >0\), there is one real root, if \(D=0\), there are two real roots (one of them is minimum point), and if \(D<0\), there are three real roots (two of them are local minimum points). Let \(x_i=y_i-c_2/(3c_3), i=1, 2, 3\). Also let \(x_{10}=\min \{x_1, x_2, x_3\}\) and \(x_{20}=\max \{x_1, x_2, x_3\}\) (the middle one is a local maximum point).
Case (i). If \(|t_{12}^{*}+2\gamma (a_{22}^{*}-1)a_{12}^{*}|\le \lambda r^{*}\), zero is a local minimum point of \(g(x)\) and \(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)}=0\).
Case (ii). If \(t_{12}^{*}+2\gamma (a_{22}^{*}-1)a_{12}^{*} > \lambda r^{*}, \widehat{\beta }_{(1)}<0\). If \(D\ge 0\) (\(D\) depends on \(\hbox {sign}(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)})=-1\)), \(x_1\) is minimum point and \(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)}=x_1\). Otherwise, \(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)}\) equals the negative one if \(x_{10}\) and \(x_{20}\) are of different signs, and equals the one of smaller absolute value if both are negative.
Case (iii). If \(t_{12}^{*}+2\gamma (a_{22}^{*}-1)a_{12}^{*} < - \lambda r^{*}, \widehat{\beta }_{(1)}>0\). If \(D\ge 0\) (\(D\) depends on \(\hbox {sign}(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)})=1\)), \(x_1\) is minimum point and \(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)}=x_1\). Otherwise, \(\widehat{\beta }_{(1)}\) equals the positive one if \(x_{10}\) and \(x_{20}\) are of different signs, and equals the one of smaller absolute value if both are positive.
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Fang, Y., Feng, Y. & Yuan, M. Regularized principal components of heritability. Comput Stat 29, 455–465 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-013-0444-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-013-0444-3