In this paper, we study a robust estimation method for observation-driven integer-valued time series models whose conditional distribution belongs to the one-parameter exponential family. Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is commonly used to estimate parameters, but it is highly affected by outliers. We resort to the Mallows’ quasi-likelihood estimator based on a modified Tukey’s biweight function as a robust estimator and establish its existence, uniqueness, consistency and asymptotic normality under some regularity conditions. Compared with MLE, simulation results illustrate the better performance of the new estimator. An application is performed on data for two real data sets, and a comparison with other existing robust estimators is also given.

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We are very grateful to the Editor, AE and anonymous referees for providing several constructive and helpful comments which led to a significant improvement of the paper. Zhu’s work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 12271206, 11871027, 11731015), and Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province (No. 20210101143JC). Xiong’s work is supported by Research Start-up Fund of Anhui University and Natural Science Found of Anhui University under Grant No. KJ2021A0047.
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Partial derivatives. For the simplicity, in the proof below, we denote \(\psi _c(u)\) by \(\psi \). Now we give the first and second derivative of every components of \(s_t(\theta )\). From Lemma 3, we have
furthermore, from (2.1) and (2.2),
The first and second derivative of \(s_{ti}(\theta )\) are \(\dfrac{\partial s_{ti}(\theta )}{\partial \theta _j}\) and \(\dfrac{\partial ^2 s_{ti}(\theta )}{\partial \theta _j\partial \theta _k}\), respectively, given by
Next, without loss of generality, we only consider derivatives with respect to \(\beta _1\). Under the assumptions of (A5)–(A7) and according to (B.1)–(B.5), we have
\(E{\tilde{m}}_t<\infty \) and \(Em_t<\infty \) hold by considering each term in \({\tilde{m}}_t\) and \(m_t\) separately. For instance, \(E(m_{1t}-E(m_{1t}|{\mathcal {F}}_{t-1}))^2\le Em_{1t}^2<\infty \) and \(E\mu _{1t}^4<\infty \) as function \(\psi \) is bounded and \(EX_t^6\) is finite, thus \(E|m_{1t}-E(m_{1t}|{\mathcal {F}}_{t-1})|\mu _{1t}^2<\infty \). In addition, the highest moment of \(X_t\) contained in \(m_t\) is 6 and \(EX_t^6\) is finite, thus \(Em_t<\infty \).
Proof of Lemma 1
Part (1). From Eq. (2.3), we know that \(s_t(\theta )\) is a martingale difference sequence as \(E(s_t(\theta )|{\mathcal {F}}_{t-1})=0\) and \(S_n(\theta )\) is a martingale sequence with \(E(S_n(\theta )|{\mathcal {F}}_{n-1}) =S_{n-1}(\theta )\). In the following, it is sufficient to show \(s_t(\theta )\) is square integrable, that is \(E\Vert s_t(\theta )\Vert ^2<\infty \). According to the strong law of large numbers for martingales (Chow 1967), we have
for that
where \(C_1\) is a constant and depends on function \(\psi \) and \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{B^{'}(\eta _t)}}\), as \(EX_t^2<\infty \), \(E\lambda _t^2<\infty \) and according to (B.1), it is easy to know that \(E\left( \dfrac{\partial \lambda _t}{\partial \theta _i}\right) ^2,~i=1,2,3\) are finite, then \(E\Vert s_t(\theta )\Vert ^2<\infty \).
Part (2).
As \(\left\| \dfrac{\partial \lambda _t}{\partial \theta }\right\| ^4\) is the function of \(X_t\) and \(\lambda _t\), \(EX_t^6\) is finite, then \(E\Vert s_t(\theta )\Vert ^4<\infty \). Note that
this result gives the conditional Lindeberg’s condition. In addition,
Applying the CLT for martingales (Taniguchi and Kakizawa 2000, Theorem 1.3.13), then
\(\square \)
Proof of Lemma 2
Because \(S_n(\theta )=0\) is an unbiased estimating function, then
for that
To prove V is a positive definite matrix is equivalent to show \(V_t\) is a positive definite matrix. Obviously, \(V_t\) is a \(3\times 3\) positive definite matrix. This is because for any non-zero three dimensional real vector z, \(z^\top M_{11}z>0\) is equivalent to \(z^\top \dfrac{\partial \lambda _t}{\partial {\theta }} \dfrac{\partial \lambda _t}{\partial {\theta }^\top }z>0\), if \(z^\top \dfrac{\partial \lambda _t}{\partial {\theta }}=0\), from (A8), we derive \(z=0\). Thus, \(V_t\) is a positive definite matrix. Let \(H_n(\theta )=-\dfrac{1}{n}\dfrac{\partial }{\partial {\theta }^\top }S_n(\theta )\), according to (B.6), \(E\left\| \dfrac{\partial }{\partial {\theta }^\top }s_t(\theta )\right\| <\infty \). Using the LLN of Jensen and Rahbek (2007), it is easy to obtain
\(\square \)
Proof of Lemma 3
From (B.7), we have
with \(Em_t<\infty \), then \(M_n\xrightarrow {a.s.} M\) and \(M=Em_t\) hold by the LLN in Jensen and Rahbek (2007). Using Lemmas 1–3, we can claim Theorem 1 holds. \(\square \)
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Xiong, L., Zhu, F. Robust estimation for the one-parameter exponential family integer-valued GARCH(1,1) models based on a modified Tukey’s biweight function. Comput Stat 39, 495–522 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-022-01293-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-022-01293-6