It is the concern of policymakers every year in New York City to consider whether or not the enacted rent control policy has a positive effect on the rental market. In order to measure the efficacy of the rent control policy, we aim to study the change in housing quality of people who live in rent controlled homes compared to those in non-rent controlled homes. A housing quality index metric was created in order to study how housing quality changes over time and its relationship to rent control. The impact of rent control on housing quality is analyzed, thus assessing one measure of policy effectiveness. The analysis indicates that rent controlled homes are associated with higher damage rates than non-rent controlled homes, perhaps indicating that the inverse of the intended effect is occurring.
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Schweitzer, B.W., Garrett, R.C., Carter, L. et al. An analysis of the impact of rent control on New York City housing. Comput Stat 38, 1643–1656 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01397-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01397-7