In this article, we propose a Poisson-Lindley distribution as a stochastic abundance model in which the sample is according to the independent Poisson process. Jeffery’s and Bernardo’s reference priors have been obtaining and proposed the Bayes estimators of the number of species for this model. The proposed Bayes estimators have been compared with the corresponding profile and conditional maximum likelihood estimators for their square root of the risks under squared error loss function (SELF). Jeffery’s and Bernardo’s reference priors have been considered and compared with the Bayesian approach based on biological data.

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For research analysis purpose we used secondary data, and it have been shared in this manuscript.
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Pathak, A., Kumar, M., Singh, S.K. et al. Bayesian estimation of the number of species from Poisson-Lindley stochastic abundance model using non-informative priors. Comput Stat 39, 3881–3906 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-024-01464-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-024-01464-7