Many important practical problems can be formulated as probabilistic constrained optimization problem (PCOP), which is challenging to solve since it is usually non-convex and non-smooth. Effective methods for (PCOP) mostly focus on approximation techniques. This paper aims at studying the D.C. (difference of two convex functions) approximation techniques. A D.C. approximation is explored to solve the probabilistic constrained optimization problem based on Chen–Harker–Kanzow–Smale (CHKS) smooth plus function. A smooth approximation to probabilistic constraint function is proposed and the corresponding D.C. approximation problem is established. It is proved that the approximation problem is equivalent to the original one under certain conditions. Sequential convex approximation (SCA) algorithm is implemented to solve the D.C. approximation problem. Sample average approximation method is applied to solve the convex subproblem. Numerical results suggest that D.C. approximation technique is effective for optimization with probabilistic constraints.
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We would like to thank the constructive feedback provided by the reviewers.
Our work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant (12171219); Liaoning Province Department of Education Scientific Research General Project (LJ2019005).
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YR performed the analysis with constructive discussions and wrote the manuscript. YS and DL performed the experiments. FG contributed significantly to data analysis. All authors have read and approved the manuscript.
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Ren, Y., Sun, Y., Li, D. et al. A D.C. approximation approach for optimization with probabilistic constraints based on Chen–Harker–Kanzow–Smale smooth plus function. Math Meth Oper Res 99, 179–203 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00186-024-00859-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00186-024-00859-y