In this paper we construct a pseudorandom number generator using only worst-case hardness assumptions for standard lattice problems. With a common technique, we can then build a stream cipher by combining the generated pseudorandom sequence with the plaintext. Moreover, as an option to gain efficiency both in terms of speed and memory, we suggest the use of ideal lattices in the construction. Currently, there is no known attack that could exploit this choice. Our implementation for Graphics Processing Units leverages from the parallelism inherent in lattice schemes and reaches performances comparable to the fastest known constructions that enjoy security proofs.

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Pierre-Louis Cayrel: supported in part by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of “Science for Peace”, SPS Project 984520.
Mohammed Meziani and Ousmane Ndiaye: supported by the The Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, Computer Science and ICT (CEA-MITIC).
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Cayrel, PL., Meziani, M., Ndiaye, O. et al. A pseudorandom number generator based on worst-case lattice problems. AAECC 28, 283–294 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00200-017-0323-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00200-017-0323-1