We develop a local flux mimetic finite difference method for second order elliptic equations with full tensor coefficients on polyhedral meshes. To approximate the velocity (vector variable), the method uses two degrees of freedom per element edge in two dimensions and n degrees of freedom per n-gonal mesh face in three dimensions. To approximate the pressure (scalar variable), the method uses one degree of freedom per element. A specially chosen quadrature rule for the L 2-product of vector-functions allows for a local flux elimination and reduction of the method to a cell-centered finite difference scheme for the pressure unknowns. Under certain assumptions, first-order convergence is proved for both variables and second-order convergence is proved for the pressure. The assumptions are verified on simplicial meshes for a particular quadrature rule that leads to a symmetric method. For general polyhedral meshes, non-symmetric methods are constructed based on quadrature rules that are shown to satisfy some of the assumptions. Numerical results confirm the theory.
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Lipnikov, K., Shashkov, M. & Yotov, I. Local flux mimetic finite difference methods. Numer. Math. 112, 115–152 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-008-0203-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-008-0203-5