The classes W[P] and W[1] are parameterized analogues of NP in that they can be characterized by machines with restricted existential nondeterminism. These machine characterizations give rise to two natural notions of parameterized randomized algorithms that we call W[P]-randomization and W[1]-randomization. This paper develops the corresponding theory.
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We thank again Jörg Flum, the advisor of our PhD Theses. The second author thanks the John Templeton Foundation for its support under Grant #13152, The Myriad Aspects of Infinity and the FWF (Austrian Research Fund) for its support under Grant P23989-N13.
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Montoya, J.A., Müller, M. Parameterized Random Complexity. Theory Comput Syst 52, 221–270 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-011-9381-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-011-9381-0